found 4 products for: NECK X / CERAMIC X / BONE X / NECKLACES X

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information about this jewellery selection

We have an incredibly wide range of ceramic necklaces, and can you really blame us? Ceramic jewellery is simply dazzling! It has been around since prehistoric times, ever since man and woman learned to create pots out of clay they have also been making ceramic jewellery. Ceramic beads and shapes have been featuring in necklaces for thousands and thousands of years, and with modern techniques, it is only getting more expressive and interesting. We guarantee you will find a ceramic necklace for every occasion here!

Bone necklaces are very much on trend this year. Carved from animal bones, which are beautified and adorned when reconstructed to give a desired form and colour. These jewellery pieces are always handmade, and are always very special considering the amount of craftsmanship that goes into creating each necklace. Dare to be different with our unique range of bone necklaces!

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