found 2 products for: COCKTAIL PARTY X / ELEPHANT X / £ 0 - £ 10 X / BROOCHES X

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information about this jewellery selection

Elephant brooches, like other elephant-themed jewellery, carry rich symbolism across various cultures. Here are some common meanings associated with them:

-Strength and Power: Elephants are often seen as symbols of immense strength and power due to their size and physical capabilities

-Wisdom and Intelligence: Elephants are known for their intelligence and memory, making them symbols of wisdom and deep insight

-Loyalty and Family: Elephants are highly social animals with strong family bonds. They symbolize loyalty, unity, and the importance of family and community

-Good Luck and Protection: In many cultures, elephants are considered bringers of good luck and protection against negative energies

Patience and Resilience: Elephants are admired for their patience and ability to endure hardships, representing resilience and stability

You can choose your favourite elephant brooch from Avalaya's vast won'be disappointed!

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